Function Codes and Their Definitions:
- FUNCTION 1: Stored Status Code - This function stores the last fault which shut down the vehicle operation (PMT, Pulse Monitor Trip, type faults only, those which require reset by recycling the key switch) This fault code will be over written each time a new fault occurs and can be cleared from memory by adjusting the value to zero. This FUNCTION is especially convenient when you have an intermittent failure which only seems to occur when your not watching.
- FUNCTION 2: Creep Speed - This function is for the adjustment of the creep or slow speed setting of the vehicle. This function allows adjustment of 5% to 15% "ON TIME" of the Main SCR.
- FUNCTION 3: Controlled Acceleration - Controlled acceleration is the adjustment which varies the rate at which the vehicle goes from creep to full top speed, depending on load and grade situations. This function is adjustable from .1 second to a full 22 seconds.
- FUNCTION 4: Current Limit - This function allows for the adjustment of the overall current which is determined by the actual control unit. Check the OEM manual for the specified current limit setting. A setting of 0 = minimum current and a seting of 255 = maximum current.
- FUNCTION 5: Plugging Distance (Current) - This setting determines the severity and stopping distance during the reversal of the vehicle. The larger the current setting, the shorter the stopping distance.
- FUNCTION 6: 1A Dropout Current - 1A dropout protects the drive motor from damaging currents while in the 1A travel mode. When too high a current is reached the control unit will drop out the 1A contactor and allow the control to go back into SCR mode where current limit can take over and control 6the overall vehicle current.
- FUNCTION 7: PA4 Input Switch Selection (M series Cards - dual motor controls) - This function allows for two operating modes controlled by a normally closed switch from control card PA4 (Plug "A" Pin #4) to Battery Negative. Mode #1 - Activates a speed limit to reduce travel speed in a sharp turn condition. Mode #2 - Allows reversal of the in-board motor and a speed limit condition.
- FUNCTION 7: Field Weakening Pickup (traction cards - single motor controls) - This function sets the Field Weakening contactor pick up current.
- FUNCTION 8: Field Weakening Dropout (traction cards - single motor controls) - This function sets the Field Weakening contactor drop out current.
- FUNCTION 9: Regenerative Braking Current Limit (N/A M Cards) - If the vehicle is equiped with Regenerative Braking, this function will adjust the Regen Braking current limit. The higher the current the shorter the stopping distance.
- FUNCTION 10: Regenerative Starting Current (N/A M Cards) - This function allows for the adjustment of the percent "ON" time at which the control will start to regen. Adjustment of this function allows setting the regen start speed of the vehicle to eliminate regen attempts when motor regen currnet is too low.
- FUNCTION 11: Speed Limit (SL1) (traction cards - single motor controls) - Speed limit is sensed by a normally closed switch between PA6 (Plug "A" Pin #6) and Battery Negative. Opening this switch enables speed limit set by this function.
- FUNCTION 11: Speed Limit for PA5 or PA6 (M Cards - dual motor controls) - This function allows for the adjustment of the speed limit when L1 or R1 limit switch input signal is received by the control card. L1 or R1 limit switch is a normally closed switch connected to battery negative, the switch opening enables speed limit. Adjustment range is 96% to 0% battery volts, A setting of 0 or 96% will disable the speed limit function and allow top speed with no limit switch connected.
- FUNCTION 12: Speed Limit (SL2) (traction cards - single motor controls) - This function allows for the adjustment of the speed limit when SL1 limit switch input signal is received by the control card. SL1 limit switch is a normally closed switch connected to battery negative, the switch opening enables speed limit.
- FUNCTION 12: Speed Limit for PA4 (M Cards - dual motor controls) - Same as Function 11 (dual motor controls) except using L2 or R2 limit switches for input.
- FUNCTION 13: Speed Limit (SL3) (or TMM1 Speed Limit) - Same as Function 11 (single motor controls) expect it uses SL3 limit switch for input. This input can also be signalled by using an auxilliary Truck Management Module card which will show fault codes between 90 and 93. The TMM card is typically setup by a specifid OEM control function.
- FUNCTION 14: Internal Resistance Compensation - Adjustment of this function will further calibrate the internal BDI (if equiped) according to the age and type of vehicle battery being used.
- FUNCTION 15: Battery Voltage - The internal Battery Discharge Indicator (if equiped) monitors this function to determine the actual battery voltage being supplied.
24 volt battery set units between 0 and 31
36 volt battery set units between 32 and 44
48 volt battery set units between 45 and 69
72 volt battery set units between 70 and 80
84 volt battery set units between 81 and 183
36/48 volt battery set units between 184 and 250
For NO BDI indication set units above 251
- FUNCTION 16: Pedal Position Plug - Pedal Position Plug will reduce the plugging current to the current value set by this function as the accelerator is returned to the creep speed position. Maximum plugging current is obtained with the accelerator in the top speed position. To disable the Pedal Position Plug, adjust the current value to the same current value as the plug distance current setting (Function 5). As an example if Function 5 is set for 500 amps then a setting of 500 amps for function 16 will disable this function.
- FUNCTION 17: Card Selection Type - This is the most powerfull setting which can put the vehicle into a failure mode. This function must be set according to what features the vehicle is equipped with. Setting for Field Weakening, Speed Limit and Regenerative Braking are all functional features.
- FUNCTION 18: Steering Pump Time Delay - This function allows for the selection of the steer pump contactor pickup input, either seat switch or directional switch closing and adjustment of the time delay for the contactor drop out.
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