EV100 GE software forklift programming    

GE Sentry for Windows Software *

VERSION 4.07.00e Now available

What is it?

GE Sentry is designed to enable the user to have complete access to the
ZX and Gen II family of controllers.  Through the use of an INTERFACE CABLE,
and Laptop or PC, you can connect directly to the controller
and link to the microprocessor within the control unit.

            GE Sentry Provides the following:

1.  The ability to log on to the microprocessor and confirm software
      ID and Revision level.
2. The ability to read complete function settings from the control unit.
3. The ability to read the last 16 stored faults, including hour meter
     reading and battery condition at the time of the fault.
4. The ability to change, save, and download settings to the control unit. 
5. The ability to monitor and display data in a graphical format emulating
     an oscilloscope
6. The ability to import/export one or more complete function libraries
7.   And Much More!

What Else Can I do with Sentry?

Sentry Screen Shot

Sentry Screen Shot

Click to Enlarge
More Screen Shots

PLEASE NOTE:   We have been supplying Programming Kits  for Electric Forklifts using GE Sentry Software
since it was first a DOS program. We are fully authorized by GE to distribute
this software and it comes direct from General Electric.
The Software comes with a complete Users Help Menu. .
  The Software is supplied without any saved data files.

This Software CD is protected by Federal Copyright Law. Copying
Software for any reason is a violation of the law. Individuals
who make Unauthorized copies of software
may be subject to civil and criminal penalties.


                System Requirements:
                    MS Windows 95/98/2000
                    MS Windows NT 4.0/ Service Pack 5.0
                    True DB9 Serial Port, will not work with some USB Converters ..... See Note Below:
                    In most cases this software works fine with Windows XP, but has not been tried with Vista

                    System must have a pentium Processor or at least run at the speed of a Pentium.
                    System must have a minimum of 64 mb of RAM.

DB9 Serial Port Computer Connector
DB9 Connector

Click to Enlarge

PLEASE NOTE: This cable is a 9 Pin DB9 Serial Port Cable. Make sure your computer you plan to use has a True Serial Port.
The Serial Port on your computer will have 9 Male Pins, do not confuse this with the monitor connector.
I have used USB to Serial Converters, some work some don't, I have had good success with the
Hawking UC232S   Make sure any you try has over 230kbps Data Transfer Rate.
I have also used the Cables Unlimited Model USB-2920, purchased from Tiger Direct for about $15.00
The USB-2920 was  little harder to install.

Some have also used the SYBA PCMCIA Model SD-PCB-1S, with success, but I could not get it to work.
Some of the reviews also mentioned it worked well but very difficult to get operational.
* * ORDER HERE * *

.......  GE Sentry Software Included Free on any CD Purchase  .......

GE Programming Cable Options

                            * GE Sentry for Windows Software is a registered trade mark of GE Industrial Systems


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Forklift Electronics